Thursday, May 22, 2014

C. Family | Maternity | Hampton Roads Maternity Photography


When Courtney contacted me about a session the very first thing she did was name drop (can you believe that?!). It's like she KNEW I would be begging to work with her if she sprinkled a little sugar and awesome networking in with her inquiry. ;)
KIDDING, of course! But really, in her very first note she mentioned that she was referred by an old High School classmate, Kristen; turns out this same Kristen is one of my sorority sisters from college! Is that not the NEATEST connection?!
(6 degrees of Kevin Bacon anyone?)

In the beginning of the session I worked really fast out of fear that little Emilia would get cranky and sick of me in her face- so family picture after family picture after family picture we snapped away.
Little did I know that working with Courtney's family would turn in to one of the best family sessions I've ever had.
Now, I have worked with some REALLY well behaved, polite, sweet kids before but to get through an hour and a half session with a 20 minute drive to first get to the location and have a NOT EVEN two year's old little girl not get upset ONCE?! Well, ladies and gentleman, that right there makes it my best family session ever!
Enjoy these images of Courtney's gorgeous family as they celebrate the nearing arrival of their FIRST BROTHER, Connor :)

Thank you so much again to you and your family, Courtney, and a HUGE early congratulations! Connor is one lucky little boy :)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Senior Spotlight | Grad Party GOER | Hampton Roads Senior Portrait Photographer


It's graduation season and that means the grad party circuit is in FULL swing. If you've got a ton of party invites then this blog post is for you! If, however, you're the one having the party than head back and check out my first post on being the party THROWER.

The school year is winding down and half your friends are about to graduate-- that means YOU'VE got a full social calendar the next 4 weeks; am I right?
But what the heck do you get everyone as a gift? And how do you look like you actually care about the person without having to spend all your hard-earned moola before the fun Summer even starts?!
Gift buying is hard enough without having to buy gifts for 12 different people. So, to help, I have compiled a list of great gift ideas that everyone will love but won't mean you have to mow your grandpa's lawn for the rest of eternity just to pay for them all.
1. Personalized iPhone cover with a picture of you and the graduate-- perfect for your close friends! Some great options can be found here:
2. A box of their favorite K-Cup instant coffee.
Saves them money AND time so they don't have to stand in line at the coffee shop before they dash to class! Obviously they have to have a Keurig machine if you buy them K-Cups. But if you're not sure just buy them Starbucks Via-- instant coffee packs. Just add hot water!)
3. Collage Picture Frame
You have photos plastered all over your room and locker, right? A dorm room is no different, trust me- so having places to stash the photos is a PERFECT gift!
Check this one out from Target:
That leads me to another great gift idea:
4. Cork Boards!
They're the perfect way to save ticket stubs from football games and slap up homework reminders so they never forget their next test. Plus they come in really unique styles now (none of that brown boring stuff) so you can really personalize it to each friend!

Be sure to add in a cute set of push pins too to really make it a fun gift!These ones look like ice cream cones!
5. Vera Bradley Double ID holder
Any college student will tell you the less you have to worry about the better; so a small clasp-shut wallet to slip ID's, credit card, and a bit of cash into is the perfect gift for someone headed off to college. PLUS Vera offers them at a great price for such a good looking little wallet!
It's comes in 19 colors, too so you don't have to worry about getting two people the exact same one!

Last but certainly not least:
6. Gift cards
You simply can't go wrong with gift cards. Target. Zappos. Wal*Mart. and even Gas gift cards are great.
Regardless of what you decide to get everyone I promise they'll just be happy you showed up to their party. By the time graduation and the day of the party rolls around your friends will just want to celebrate and having you there with them is really all they will care about.
Let me know what you're thinking of getting in the comments below! Or if you have any better ideas it would be great if you shared them so others can *borrow* your idea, too!


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Senior Spotlight | Graduation Season | Hampton Roads Senior Portrait Photographer

Today is May 11th (yay! Happy mama's day-don't forget to hug your mom today extra big!) and if you're a High School Senior or Junior in the area then you know that that means graduation is just a little over a month away! WOW. That's SUPER soon!
And that also means you've probably got a slew of grad parties to go to, too. Am I right?
Whether you're a grad party THROWER or a grad party GOER I've got the perfect list of things you need to make this grad season flawless (and stay tuned to this blog because I'll be throwing out SUPER helpful tips, tricks, and secrets throughout the summer and into next school year too- trust me you won't want to miss ANY of it)!

I'll start with the PARTY THROWER (party goer your blog post will be next week so check back!):
Chances are you have a ton of things on your mind right now: getting your shoes for your ceremony, booking your hair appointment for the ceremony, the ceremony itself, making sure you ordered enough wallets to pass out to friends (more on that one later), getting all of your invites out in time, confirming the caterer, cleaning the house since everyone and their sister will be at your party. The list goes on and on and on.
So, to help ease your stress level a bit I've collected some of the best go-to ideas for music, games, food, etc. That way your stress level is low and in turn your celebration level is through the roof! Because lets face it: you're only graduating High School once; make it AWESOME!

1. Best Play list for your party

   Your parents are inviting everyone from your neighbor to your great Aunt Milly in Dallas so you will have to pick things that everyone enjoys; that means you need a mixture of things from the 60s all the way to that hot hit that came out last week by Jason Derulo. 

Not even sure WHERE to begin with that task? Here's a good example of a mix to please *almost* everyone (including songs that won't make your grandma blush):

Take that list with a grain of salt, though, because I definitely wouldn't be interested in hearing "If I Can Dream" by Celine Dion (number 49 on the list); but hey, you can't realistically create a list that has every song everyone has ever liked- right? So just make a list, press the "play" button, and enjoy your party!
2. Food! (YUM!)
This one will also require a bit of variety. It's fair to say though that with this one NO ONE expects you to have their favorite foods- but variety is key to a happy party. If you're hiring a caterer I guarantee they have some great ideas up their sleeves-- this isn't their first rodeo after all ;)
But if you and mom are going to be hashing it out in the kitchen the day before the party, the first rule is to PLAN A MENU. Don't go into it blind. Pick a menu that YOU like and throw in a couple you know your parents like: that will start you off on a good variety to please not only picky palettes but also different age groups.
Here's a great link from Rachel Ray (some people say I look like her... thoughts on that????) that talks about different ways to incorporate food into your party (it also has some cute game ideas, too!):
Some parties have themes and others are simple "laid back backyard" parties where the sunshine is the only decoration. Whatever you do DON'T forget to celebrate YOU and your graduation! T
his your time to shine so show off pictures of you from throughout the year. Don't forget your Senior pictures- whether it's the formal cap and gown shot or your casuals. Don't let this party become just another party: it's about you and celebrating your achievement and your road ahead.
Over on Pinterest I've created a board with tons of ways to display you and your accomplishments without being too "look at me! look at me!":
(while you're there be sure to follow me on Pinterest so you can see all my ideas!)

How are you feeling now? A little less stressed? This is supposed to be a fun, exciting, CELEBRATION time! So use the links above to make things easier for you-- and don't forget, this is about YOU so celebrate you and use those awesome senior pictures to showcase just how great you are!

And if you're the party GOER be sure to check back next week when I link you to some AWESOME grad party gift ideas (budget friendly, too, since you probably have about 30 parties to go to in the next 2 months, right?!)
Did I miss anything? Let me know what else you might need for your party in the comments below!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

What I've Learned | Personal | Hampton Roads Portrait Photographer


The title probably seems like I'm going to tell you all about how I am now, thanks to owning this business, really knowledgeable in tax codes (HA! I wish...) or how I'm now this guru at business license requirements or how to perfect business management techniques or I've mastered contract writing. And trust me- I wish all of those things were true; but frankly I am fairly certain I simply have to accept that someone with far more knowledge and brains in those areas is always going to have to help me figure out those aspects of business owning.
No, what I've learned from my business is that this isn't a business. This is my world. This is my family. I always refer to every single person I work with and every single person who follows the facebook page as my "Sarah Elle Photography family"-- and it's completely true: I view each of those people as a family member. I could not continue to nurture and grow my business without the mental and emotional support and encouragement of each person who follows me and books with me.
But even more so I am reminded on random Tuesday mornings (like this past Tuesday) when I open up my SEP e-mail account and facebook page just how much of a family you all are to me.

Tucked away in the e-mail inquiries and wardrobe questions and location ideas are messages from other SEP family members sharing a funny video they found that made them think of me, or a cute meme that reminds them of something that happened during their session, or simply a funny story about their day that they know I would appreciate. I have one SEP family member who moved right after their session (talk about a last minute, rescheduling is not an option kind of a day) and STILL e-mails me to tell me about the latest find in GMO research and eating organic foods (she knows I'm interested in learning more about that).
That's what makes this business not a business. That's what makes me stop and go: "Wow. I am SO lucky!" 

Sure, there are tons of those tax questions and business management "things" I'll never fully understand that *technically* makes Sarah Elle Photography a business (and trust me, come tax time i'm always banging my head against my desk wondering why it has to be this way). But having those personal relationships, having those family members, makes everything else completely worth it.
From the deepest part of my heart: thank you.
With love,

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Claire S. | Agent Spotlight | Hampton Roads Senior Portrait Photographer


You just have to meet Claire! 

Claire is the newest addition to the Sarah Elle Photography Senior Agent model team and she is fabulous!

Claire is sweet, polite, energetic, and motivated-- pretty much everything an #SEPagent is; plus she is active in her school  and really close with her family. I mean seriously, anyone who sends a picture of themselves with their mom when asked to provide pictures is truly someone who views family as a big personal value-- ALL of my agents are like this! I love it!

Claire is one of those girls who really doesn't fit into any one box: she plays Lacrosse and is a swimmer; but she also is really interested in art as well as photography (yay!) and spends her time volunteering at the elementary school, too!

It's clear that Claire has been a Virginia Tech fan for quite some time-- and if she doesn't end up there for school in a year I'm not sure what her family (or ME for that matter) will think! ;)

Claire also sent in a picture of her and her dog, Chico, who she got for her birthday last year. I'm pretty sure anyone who includes a picture of their pup gets a gold star in my book. And i'm certain Chico and Charlie need to meet one day very soon, don't you?! They look like they would be fast friends :)

I am really looking forward to having Claire as an Agent and I know she will be a great addition to the model team! Welcome to the Sarah Elle Photography family, Claire!!


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Senior Agent 007 | Hampton Roads Senior Portrait Photographer


If you follow my facebook page you have seen me go on and on for forever about my Senior Agent program and my super fabulous #SEPagents! It's no secret I love this program and I am over the moon excited when I have a Senior portrait session on the books. But I realized that no matter how many times I use the hashtag: #SEPagent, everyone who follows the page may not know what exactly a Sarah Elle Photography Senior Agent actually is (or more importantly what they DO).

When I was in High School I didn't have my Senior pictures taken (except of course the formal one that went into the year book). To be honest with you I was completely ok with that. Senior pictures were taken and handed out to friends in wallet form (for the record there are TONS of new and BETTER products to pass out these days-- I'll be doing a product spotlight soon so stay tuned) and a few images were *sometimes* displayed at graduation parties-- but all in all it wasn't a huge deal in my area.

Working with my Seniors and Senior Agents today I'll tell you: my area was missing out on a LOT.

Senior portraits today are a BIG deal and are an incredible way to not only highlight what each Senior is about but also really pull out their creativity and create something...well...magical. There's hair, makeup, props, outfit changes, sometimes there's even a theme (these ones are the MOST fun!). Senior portraits often times even include specific locations- sometimes they are so elaborate that they take an entire afternoon/evening to shoot! I would even go so far as to say that Senior Portrait sessions today, at least for my gals, are pretty much like personalized modeling sessions.

See why I say my hometown missed out on a lot?!

Because of the high volume of interest today in Senior Portraits and the amount of work that goes in to each session I have found that it is REALLY helpful to have specific girls, hand-picked by yours truly, representing Sarah Elle Photography in their school. By having a Senior Agent model team that I know I can trust and who I feel are a good representation of what Sarah Elle Photography is all about, I can feel confident that they will encourage other Juniors/Seniors who would also be a perfect fit for my approach to Senior Portraits.
Each #SEPagent's job is to encourage their friends to book their Senior Portraits with Sarah Elle Photography. By hand-picking my Agents I know the folks they will encourage to book Senior Portraits with me will be the type of people who LOVE what I offer and LOVE the full glamour treatment.

My style of shooting Senior Portraits is to give my gals (and guys) the complete rockstar treatment [except fulfilling requests like having a bowl filled with JUST green M&Ms...I'm not that nice ;) ]. Remember how I said a lot of Senior Portrait sessions today are personalized model shoots? That's what I give to my Seniors. And that means whomever represents me likes that approach and will have no trouble talking about their experience with their friends (who, in theory, like that, too).
So, in short, the purpose behind my Senior Agent program is to find the perfect fit for Sarah Elle Photography and what my Senior Portrait experience represents and in turn, hopefully, connect with others who love that, too! Working with Seniors is about giving them the best experience-- one they never forget-- so finding a photographer who gives you what you're dreaming of is the goal-- and it's my goal to be that photographer.
So, if you're a current Junior or Senior in High School who wants that type of Senior Portrait experience be sure to get a hold of one of my #SEPagents to learn more about the Sarah Elle Photography Senior experience! And while you're at it give them a big high five for being so totally awesome as one of my Agents-- because seriously they are a fantastic bunch!
