Sunday, August 10, 2014

Taking That Phone to College | The Best Apps for Freshman Year | Hampton Roads Senior Portrait Photographer


It's the second week of August and not only is August a beautiful month but the buzz for "back to school" is starting up- and that includes the ever-so-exciting FRESHMAN year of college! 

Oh my goodness I remember how exciting that was. Nothing like finally being able to pick what to eat, where to eat, what to do, how late to stay up, which parties to go to, which groups to hang out with, buying 4 lattes in one day just because no one was there to say no {that totally didn't happen btw... just an example! ;) }

You've hopefully already seen my DORM ROOM SHOPPING blog from last month. If not be sure to check it out and get on that shopping list- QUICK- times-a-tickin! Well this blog features all the MUST HAVE apps to survive Freshman year (and the rest of life pretty much, too).

Sure, you've probably already got all the necessities: Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Glide, Facebook, Spotify, Songza. You name it, it's probably already on your phone, right?

But go ahead and give these ones a try, too. I bet you've never even heard of some of them and I pretty much guarantee you'll find at least ONE on the list that you fall in love with. And then when you get to school you can be 2 steps ahead of the rest of the folks in your dorm; and there's nothing wrong with that, now is there ;)

SPARKNOTES- If you don't already know Sparknotes well... that's actually a good thing. It means you read all the stuff you were supposed to in High School! In case you need a shorter version of something because...well... college is a super busy courseload, check out the Sparknotes app to get condensed versions of popular books as well as pretty awesome study guides to go along with them! Nothing says efficiency like a pre-made study buddy!

FIND MY CAR- Oh man, I think everyone needs this app. You turn it on when you park your car and it records the route from your car to wherever you're headed. This is ideal for people attending LARGE colleges and will need a little help remembering the quickest route back to their car after a day of learning.

EVERNOTE- This one is huge. There is a LOT of stuff going on in it but once you take a little bit of time (like 10 minutes...seriously) to go through the walkthrough and play around a bit it's really pretty great. Write lists, take snapshots of documents you need to save, install their extra app "skitch" to write on pictures to keep track of notes, set timers for your different "to do" lists, and so on. It's pretty neat! PLUS you can sync it to any device: tablet, computer, another smart phone- free of charge! Definitely check this one out :)

STUDIOUS- I wish I had this when I was in college. While Evernote (above) is great, Studious is designed specifically for classes and class schedules. It makes me want to sign up for a class JUST so I can use it! All you do is download it, put in the info for a class (say, History 101, M/W/F 12:00-1:30), tell it what you want you PHONE to do during that time (this is the super cool part)- you can have it either go silent, go into airplane mode, vibrate, or stay on and it will AUTOMATICALLY go to the chosen setting every day at that time. HOW COOL, right?! You can then also put in tests, notes, and homework assignments specific to the class and it will keep a calendar for you. For real, I want to go back to college now.

YOUR BANK- I guarantee whatever bank you set up an account with for school will have an app. Get it. It's awesome to be able to one-click and sign in to check your balance before making plans for the weekend. PLUS if mom and dad (or grandma) send you a check to help out a bit it's pretty great to not have to leave your room to cash it-- simple click a picture while in the app and deposit. Easy peasy!

CRIMEPUSH - This one isn't available a lot of places but I really like what it has to offer so I wanted to include it so you can look up a similar app at your location. Crimepush is a way to easily report crimes. They are specifically attached to whatever area is mentioned in the one you download and it sends it immediately to the police station. This is a great way to be helpful without necessarily directly trying to stop something. Of course, in emergency situations ALWAYS dial 911. Forget the app. Call the cops.

There are TONS of apps out there. Some great. Some AWESOME. And some so-so. But this list should get you started with some great ways to make life a little easier as you go off to school. And the easier things are at college the more time you have for fun! :)

What are some other apps you just can't live without? Tell me in the comments below!


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