Sunday, November 24, 2013

Not What You Think | Hampton Roads Little Known Facts


The other day I was talking to a fellow 'tog friend about photography business names and it came out that "Sarah Elle" is, in no way shape or form, my actual name. Cue the: tires screeching, cars crashing, heads whipping around whaaaaat?!

It's true. My name isn't Sarah Elle. My last name isn't "Elle." My middle name isn't "Elle." My maiden name isn't even "Elle." 


Ok ok ok before you STONE ME for being an imposter let me explain:
As a lot of you probably already know my background and formal education is in clinical mental health counseling. When I was working with clients I was encouraged to change my online presence to anything but my first and last name so that it limited the ability for clients to "find me." Not a bad decision considering the goal of counseling is to help others through their own life struggles without bringing your own personal stuff in to it.  (And, truth be told, I have had clients find me on some of my other social networks; like LinkedIN)

So, years ago as I thought about changing my "online" persona to my real middle name, Elizabeth, I decided that was too easy and too boring and that I was going to be "more creative." I finally convinced myself that "Elle" was short for "ELizabeth" and thus Sarah Elle was created.

When I opened my photography business I liked the idea of a creative name and since I had already "created" one I decided to go with it! Lots of folks assume it's my middle name or even my maiden name but in reality it's just me with a twist ;)

So, there you have it. It's true, I'm not who you think I am. I mean, well, I'm still ME but my name isn't what you think it is. But it's not meant to be a secret- one has ever asked before "WELL, WHY SARAH ELLE?" So I decided I'd just tell you myself!

There it is; the big mysterious history behind "Elle."


And since we're talking about history and where Sarah Elle came from I thought I'd dig up this rockin' picture of me and my sister and show you a bit more of where I came from.
 I'm the ham on the right ;)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Kristin L. Class of 2014 | Hampton Roads Senior Photographer


When I first meet with a Senior I try to encourage them to bring different aspects of themselves to a session: class ring, team jacket, college t-shirt, favorite pet, etc. but it wasn't until working with Kristin did I learn just how much the actual location of the session could bring out the Senior.

Kristin chose to have her session at Ft. Monroe. Now, I've shot on Ft. Monroe a number of times but I don't know it like she does; you see, Kristin grew up there. 

Until just a few years ago Kristin attended church there, went to school there, and even went to daycare there when she was younger (her mom offered to provide me with a picture of her getting her first Communion there but lucky for Kristin she didn't have it at the time- hehe)! To be able to capture her in her Senior year at some of the places that really helped to shape her into who she has become was so humbling and extremely special!

(This is the back of the church she attended. According to Kristin this door leads to the wash room-- I NEVER would have known that!)

Okay can we just talk a quick minute about these AWESOME shoes?! I absolutely loved them and have decided that now I NEED a pair.

How pretty is she?! 

Kristin it was so wonderful getting to work with you and I absolutely loved learning about how much meaning each spot held for you!

All my very best as you finish your Senior year and go on to college! I can't wait to see what the world brings for you :)

And when you decide to get rid of those shoes just let me know ;)


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sometimes We Just Need a Little Reminding | Hampton Roads Refresher

Yesterday I woke up to a message from a Sarah Elle Photography family member. In it was a link to a blog and a short note about how it reminded her of my "Life: As it is" project. So, of course, I'm intrigued! It wasn't until I got to the picture at the end of the blog did I realize I've read it before!
I was SHOCKED! I had read this blog before but none of the words triggered any kind of memory for me. Now I was sad. Clearly this means that despite my own words and efforts and projects I, too, needed a refresher on the point of living Life: As it is.
The blog post talks a lot about weight being a big factor in avoiding photos; and I agree, that's a lot of the reason I hear that people don't want to be involved in the shoot. Okay. I get it. I've heard it. I've lived it, myself. I, without fail, get those ridiculous unflinching butterflies EVERY.SINGLE. TIME. my picture is taken because I'm worried that I'm not going to see it before it gets posted in order to run interference because I *gasp* MIGHT LOOK FAT.  But I think the author hits it on the head when she responds with "if the magical day does come when you're acceptably thin you'll still REGRET not having any pictures of you with your kids from ages 5-10." This. This right there. This speaks to me.

I've said it before and I'll say it forever and ever and ever: Don't wait. This is your life. This is who you are and this is the person your family loves. Don't let yourself get in the way of yourself and of capturing and cementing this time in your life. Maybe you're not a fan of YOU right now but I promise you the people you're having pictures taken with most certainly ARE. Do it for them- you'll thank yourself later.
Oh, and maybe, just maaaaaybe try to give yourself a little credit when looking at your images. Don't be so hard on yourself. Life is hard enough. (And, as I've said before, it's all just preferences).

So here's the blog that was shared with me and the author, Teresa, was so gracious enough to give me permission to share it with you all ( I asked her!). So go on, read it. It might just be good for you ;)

With love,

p.s. I'd love to know your reactions; so if you don't mind please share them with me, below!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Models, Mentors, Bridges, and Idle Cars | Hampton Roads Mentee


On Friday I fought the JRB and had my first mentor session with Sharon Elizabeth Photography. No joke, I had my mind: BLOWN! I barely slept that night after I got home because so many new concepts, poses, editing techniques, workflow approaches, and overall shooting techniques were zooming through my mind. I even woke up on Saturday at 6:30 just because I couldn't fight it anymore and HAD to get some practice!

I'll admit, I'm still a little overwhelmed with it all and am still getting little triggers that remind me of something Sharon told me and immediately my brain goes, "oh yeah!" But I've been practicing and starting to slowly bring these new things in to Sarah Elle Photography. It's been SO interesting to see how Sharon's suggestions have a place in SEP and how I can use them and incorporate them in to my own way of shooting, editing, and running Sarah Elle Photography. Bless my husband's heart because he has certainly been getting a non-stop earful! hehe Oops!

Ok, so enough about that, let's talk about how incredible the model for the day, Meredith, was! Oh my goodness!  Immediately I felt like we *clicked* and after I found out she drove 3 hours (one way!) just to help us out I about died! She's my car-soul-mate! She's not afraid of the bridges or long drives (for the record I had to practice driving the JRB on TWO separate occasions to get ready for my personal trek's no joke).

The biggest kicker? Meredith is also a photographer (check her out at Meredith Sledge Photography)! Talk about intimidating! Now I had not only Sharon watching me work but I was trying to pose and direct another photographer! But Meredith and Sharon are both so approachable and fun that *eventually* I was able to be a little less self conscious ;)

Thank you, Meredith, you gorgeous girl, you!

I can't even imagine what the second part of my mentor session will bring after Sharon has her little baby girl, Ava!
I canNOT wait!


p.s. Did you notice the title of the blog says, "idle cars?" Nothing like mid-session helping a stranger get their car out of the road with 5'2" me pushing and 9 month pregnant Sharon steering. Oh yea, and the car didn't have power steering... that sure is one part of the session I will NEVER forget! ;)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

To Be or Not to Be? | Hampton Roads Portrait Photographer

I've been struggling lately. Feeling pretty lost, to be honest. Not the "what's the purpose of life" kind of lost but that's one I still haven't figure out yet, either; so if you know the answer to that one don't be afraid to share! ;)
I've been lost on the direction of Sarah Elle Photography.
A few months back I changed the colors up a bit and committed to a pretty drastic logo change (remember that?). But I don't feel I'm 100% "there" yet. There is something missing and I can't quite put my finger on it. And it's driving me INSANE.
For weeks and weeks I've been redesigning and getting feedback and input and opinions and help and allllll kinds of guidance from others---and I still feel stuck. Do I like polka dots? Or chevrons? Maybe Navy isn't my color? What about the market I'm moving towards? How will all of these factors attract or push-away my market?

My list goes on and on.

I'm absolutely itching to complete the branding experience for each and every one of you. I have HUGE (not just big but HUGE) ideas for the entire Sarah Elle Photography experience- from the second you message or e-mail me to the in-person consultation gifts to the day of the shoot experience alllll the way to the packaging and follow-up! And i'm DYING to get to it!
But I can't. Not without committing to and nailing down who Sarah Elle Photography is for certain at this point in its life.
Sure, I know my brand will change a bit as I evolve but who am I now? And who am I going forward? And most importantly: How do I express that? That is really what is stumping me.
Being patient about this is awful for me because I simply am ITCHING to complete the SEP experience for all of you. But the true experience won't be able to happen until I complete my branding. And waiting will be worth it....right?


Monday, November 11, 2013

A Styled Saturday | Hampton Roads Styled Shoot

Hi hi hi!

I'm SUPER excited to share this post with you all! It's filled with something I've NEVER done before and that's always big news, right?

This past Saturday myself and two other photographer friends (Erin Daniel Photography and Tiffany Joyce Photography) put on our first STYLED SHOOT! I don't shoot weddings, as you know, but when it became apparent that a group of local togs we know were interested in increasing their bridal portfolios I quickly thought: well heck, lets just plan a mini-styled shoot!

And thus the day was born ;)

For weeks (about 6 to be specific) we chatted online and gathered ideas and color palettes and themes and models and dresses and props and the list goes on and on and on. It's amazing what technology can allow you to accomplish without even meeting someone (I didn't meet Erin until the day of the shoot- crazy, huh!?)

Now, as I mentioned earlier, I don't shoot weddings so I had no reason to shoot this day, either. So....I modeled! Yep. CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY. It was a TON of fun, though! And oh my goodness my tootsies were frozen solid by the end of it! But yes, here is not only the fantastic and beautiful details of our styled shoot but also a little peek at my first ever "modeling" gig ;) (try not to laugh too hard)

Photos (unless otherwise stated): Tiffany Joyce Photography
Flowers: Flower Works

 The entire set up was filled with beautiful Fall colors. Greens, and oranges, and reds, and golds, and browns! Ugh! I just love it all!!
(Above image taken by Erin Ammons Photography)

OH my goodness how beautiful are these flowers, right?! I even got to take them home! (they're sitting in water on my kitchen table hehe)

Ok. And my picture.

Aren't the details of this styled shoot just GORGEOUS?! And to think- it's just a mini-shoot! So of course, now I CAN'T WAIT to shoot the styled Senior session I have planned for the Spring. If we were able to plan this session in roughly 6 weeks, having multiple months to plan another one is going to be incredible!

I am so very proud of how this shoot turned out and hope you liked it, too! And, of course, keep your eyes peeled this Spring for my Senior styled shoot ;)


p.s. if you are a female aged 15-19 with pointe experience (or know someone who is) I'm doing a casting call for my Senior styled shoot- so be sure to drop me a message!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Victoria and Jaron | Hampton Roads Couples Photographer


This post comes at almost the perfect time as tomorrow happens to be Veteran's Day- a day that has increasingly taken on more and more significance in my life as each year passes. My grandfather was a veteran. My step-father is a veteran. My cousin is a veteran. My husband is a veteran. And many many many many many of my friends, friends spouses, and Sarah Elle Photography family members are veterans.

So to be able to honor and highlight a veteran in tonight's post is extra special.

Jaron and Victoria were one of my very first clients in Virginia; so being able to work with them again was a personal treat for me! They are young, fun, super in love, and willing to let me try pretty much anything when it comes to locations, poses, theme ideas, etc.- anyone with that much trust in me is definitely high up on my list of people I love to work with! Plus they love cowboy boots and she's big on fun accessories- both things I love (be sure to check out her pink cowboy boots! Yeehaw!!)

Gah! Aren't they just so pretty?!!

On top of Jaron being a veteran this post comes at a doubly perfect time because he is about to deploy. He is about to go off to continue to fight for all of us here in the United States. And I can confidently say after having worked with these two twice now that Jaron couldn't confidently go forward in his duty without the strong support and unconditional love Victoria provides him here at home.

Jaron and Victoria it is ALWAYS my pleasure to work with you guys and I look forward to doing it again when Jaron returns!
Thank you both.


Friday, November 8, 2013

Sarah and the "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week." | Hampton Roads Human Being

This morning I woke up realizing "it's STILL not the weekend." That was tough. Not tough in the typical "I don't feel like getting out of bed today because my blankets are so nice and comfy and my husband feels so warm and cozy" kind of tough. The kind of "tough" where you realize you've been dragging yourself everywhere in a daze just to complete the things you've committed to.
I've had THREE days this week where I simply decided to shut my computer down and be--each day thinking I only need to do this for one night and I'll be refreshed and ready to attack my work tomorrow.
It didn't happen that way.
I've been saying I want to be transparent with all of you and that is one of my "November goals:" write about "real" things in my blog. So when I woke up and saw Amanda Hedepeth's blog about feeling like she "lost" yesterday I realized now was the perfect way to be real with you all.
I'm tired.
I've been running running running running running so much to manage the business, the styled shoot we're doing tomorrow, working on new packaging, editing sessions, working my 7-4 job with the Army (did you know I do that, too? Not everyone does I don't think...Welp now you do :p), going to dinners planned WEEKS ago with friends (yes, I have to plan WEEKS in advance just to make sure I have time in the schedule), taking care of Charlie Dog, finding time to call parents and siblings and grandparents to catch up on life, attending different functions and meetings I've committed to long ago, and simply trying to grab any kind of quality time with my husband that I can.
I'm tired.
Physically. Mentally. Emotionally (definitely this one- I cried more times this week than I have in months).
I think what this week has begun to show me is that I need to slow down. I don't need to answer every question or say "yes" to every dinner. Life will go on. MY life will go on. My friends lives will go on. THE.WORLD.WILL.NOT.EXPLODE. if I am not on facebook or out to dinner with a friend.
But like Alexander in "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" I, too, have come to realize that in the end I am happy. I have a loving loving husband and family, a perfect little pup, some great friends, a fantastic support team of Sarah Elle Photography family, and goals and dreams that I'm pushing to accomplish. Life sometimes doesn't go my way and sometimes I'm the reason for that (like this week). But in this stressful and exhausting week is the golden nugget of knowledge that it's time to regroup, focus more on myself and my family, and that the world will go on- and that's ok.


Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Sarah Elle Photography Client is.... | Hampton Roads Portrait Photographer

As I celebrate a new year of business and begin to look toward the future of Sarah Elle Photography I've been getting a lot of guidance and advice from friends, fellow togs, mentors, and family members. One of the biggest questions that keeps getting asked is: "Well, who do you want to work with? Who is a Sarah Elle Photography client?"
So, of course, it got me thinking. Who IS a Sarah Elle Photography client?
Here's what I came up with:
A Sarah Elle Photography client is first and foremost EXCITED about the idea of having their pictures taken- they value the idea of capturing life's moments- milestone or not.
A Sarah Elle Photography client is someone who wants to work with ME. While I know some people are not as particular about who they work with, an SEP client is that special someone who wants ME- not just a photographer. Lets face it: I'm excited, a bit high strung, a ball of energy, and I think I'm hilarious (when in reality I'm just kind of weird)- so I'm definitely not the best fit for everyone. But an SEP client is someone who likes that and someone who WANTS that in their photographer.
A Sarah Elle Photography client is also someone who LOVES the idea of planning their session just as much as I do. I truly enjoy discussing ideas for your session with you and love every detail: location, hair and makeup, wardrobe (double like this topic!), themes, prop ideas, etc. Half of the fun of the session is just talking about it; so for me, someone who loves to dream and talk about their session is definitely an SEP client!
I'm a huge fan of accessories. I'm not very good at accessorizing (just ask my college roommate- I'm sure she's got some funny pictures she could dredge up) but i LOVE them regardless. Scarves, shoes (boots!), big chunky necklaces, hats, belts, headbands, cardigans (yes, i believe if done a certain way this is an accessory, too), the list goes on and on. Granted, I also love classic pieces like pearls and slip dresses; but even those get dressed up with pieces of flare. Because of that love I absolutely go crazy over client's accessories during sessions and will ALWAYS encourage new clients to not be afraid to accessorize. Not only do I love them but it adds dimension and fun to the images- so it's a double win!

Another thing I love and firmly believe in is hair and makeup for a session; and an SEP client feels the same. You've probably read about my feelings on hair and makeup earlier in the blog so I won't write it out again; but when asked "who do you want to work with" the answer "someone who loves getting their hair and makeup done" definitely comes to mind! It's not a must and in fact I don't even include it in my packages; it's an add on. I know it's not for everyone so I don't want that to be a deal breaker; but just like talking about wardrobe and dreaming about the session together I love talking about hairstyles, too! Plus, I see with every session the look of confidence and beauty a woman feels after she has her hair and makeup done; and I of course want all SEP clients to feel this way- so a Sarah Elle Photography client is someone who wants that, too.
So there it is. An SEP client is someone who is EXCITED, day dreams about their session, loves adding different dimensions to their shoot (hair and makeup, accessories, props, etc.) and wants to work with crazy me just as much as I want to work with them!


OH! And, of course, an SEP client is someone who won't judge me for the outfits Charlie Dog wears ;)

Monday, November 4, 2013

I have an irrational Fear. Anyone else? | Hampton Roads scare-d-cat

I said that I would be honest with you all and one of my goals it to get more personal in my blogs; so I think it's time you all know: I am afraid of the bridge tunnel.
Like...have NEVER DRIVEN IT kind of afraid. When we moved here I checked out  mapquest prior to our arrival (even though we have a GPS) and informed my husband we would be driving ALLLL the way around to the JRB in order to avoid the HRBT. It's that serious.
Unfortunately it appears I'm also nervous of the JRB :(
I don't know what it is! I mean...I do know... but it's silly. I'm afraid of there being an emergency or my brain deciding to miraculously stop knowing how to drive (I know, I know, this doesn't happen- I said it was an irrational fear!) and me not having anywhere to pull off in this emergency situation. 
And the counselor in me knows exactly how to fix it. Ever try to fix yourself? It doesn't work. For whatever silly reason we need others to tell us how to be better. I get it. I live it. I AM IT.
So there you have it. My admission for this week.
Maybe having written about it I will no longer have my fears. That's how it works, right? Goodness I hope so because I'm going to face this fear tonight and practice driving the bridge because I HAVE to get to Smithfield on Thursday for my mentor session with Sharon (if you don't know what I'm talking about check out the business birthday post here). How silly would that be to call her from the Hampton side of the bridge and have to say "Sorry, can't make it over the bridge. Can we do this whole shooting thing over the phone? I'll describe what I see through my lens to you..."

Wish me luck! And maybe a little double luck for good measure, too....

Timid and irrational

I feel like this is what I look like driving over a bridge:

*I did not take this image*