Thursday, January 23, 2014

A "Fair" Price for Your Photographer | Hampton Roads Business Owner


The other day an old friend (he'll be upset I called him "old" but I really just mean someone I've know for a while now- so settle down, Jon!) asked me "what is a fair price for wedding photography."

Ok. This is a HUGE question and one I need a LOT more information to go on before I even begin to formulate an actual answer. And I told him so, too.

But it got me thinking: From experience I have gained the knowledge to better understand the little (and BIG) pieces that go in to developing package prices for photographers- but others (aka the non-togs) don't have that luxury. As you know I do not shoot weddings but this topic goes well beyond wedding photography; so I thought I might write a little somethin-somethin about it.

Things to consider when choosing the photographer for you:
1. First things first: did you notice I said "choosing the photographer for YOU?"
I can't express how important {I believe} it is to choose a photographer that speaks to you. Is it someone you've been following for a long time? Or someone you just recently happened to stumble upon in your search for your wedding photographer? No matter how long you've followed this person it's SUPER important they have a style that you like. Sure, price is a factor for almost everyone (and I'll get to that later), but believe it or not you actually have a preferred STYLE that you are drawn to (you just may not know it)- bright colors, high contrast, a matte look, film versus digital, black and white only, photojournalistic, etc.

There are tons of styles out there and photographers don't always know what their own personal style is for a while- but as consumers we have it a little easier: we either enjoy looking at an individual's work or we don't.

Take time to really find someone you LIKE and enjoy viewing their work. FORGET ABOUT PRICE WHEN YOU LOOK. Seriously! If you don't immediately know "this is the photographer I HAVE to work with" then come up with a list of 3 or 4 you like before EVER looking at price. It is far more important to be excited about and thrilled with your images than to invest in someone only to be unhappy with the results.
You need to be happy with your pictures- and choosing any ol' person to capture your memories will, in the long run, not make you happy- trust me.

2. Investment and End Goals
That's exactly what portraits are, right? An investment. We are investing our time, our money, and entrusting our memories with someone else and their skills behind the camera. Having portraits taken is an investment on so many levels so make sure you choose someone who can offer what you're looking for. Just like having a "style" preference we all have "end goal" preferences.
Is your end goal to have a big canvas above your fire place? Do you want to be able to send a 4x6 of your favorite image to all your relatives? Maybe you're really interested in a personalized wood keepsake box. Perhaps all you really want is access to the digital files with a print release so eventually you can decide how you want to decorate your new living room once it's finished being remodeled.

Every photographer offers something different- so decide (again, before looking at PRICE)- what your end goal is for pictures.

3. Price
Ok, yes, now you can go ahead and look at price- but be prepared to take the following in to consideration when deciding if it is something you can afford:

i. Are you looking at the photographer from step 1 who you MUST WORK WITH?! (in that case ignore anything else and book them! Lots of photographers offer payment plan options so don't be afraid to ask. If it's your dream photographer don't let price get in the way. Book far in advance and save save save!)

ii. Shoot time: this is time the photographer invests in working with you and ultimately time away from his/her family to work- just like you may go to work 9-5 your photographer leaves their family to come work with you.

iii. Edit time: all those hours spent with you shooting? More or less triple that for amount of edit time they will spend after leaving you to perfect your images to match that style you're so drawn to about them ;) This is also more time spent on the business and working and not with family (a choice we small business owners make, yes, but just showing you how much time goes in to each session.)

iv. Prep: Don't forget you're hiring a professional so they have spent time prepping for your session. This could include researching locations, finding poses that fit you and your vision, brainstorming unique ideas to give you a personalized experience, prepping gear, location scouting, oh! and don't forget they've probably been chatting with you a whole bunch to  answer your questions and make sure they know you well enough to give you the perfect experience!

v. Education and Gear: A professional is constantly looking for ways to better themselves and perfect their skills. I can tell you that I personally budget for classes and mentoring sessions every year in my annual "what it will cost me to run my business" budget.

The same goes for gear: most folks budget for better gear each year to give their clients the best possible images. From camera gear to editing software to new and fun ways to deliver your images- all of this costs money for your photographer.

vi. Insurance: Yep, it's true- photographers and business owners have to have insurance just like your job. In lots of cases certain locations require proof of insurance up to $1,000,000 (yes that says 1 million) in order to shoot there- this is something that has to be maintained and therefore a cost your photographer is paying.

There are lots of things that go in to a business model and in to the price of your package; and there is no right way to do it- each photographer has spent time calculating what their cost of business is and also done market research to determine what their clients want most: digitals vs. products vs. hair and makeup vs. amount of shoot time etc.
So in short, when figuring out what a "fair price" for your photographer is the answer is simple: if you've first done steps 1 and 2 and determined that the 2 or 3 or 4 photographers on your list are the ones you'd be thrilled to work with, then just book your top one- you'll be happy with your choice, I promise :) And if you're not sure about it because of their price: remind yourself of step 1 and 2 and then take in to consideration step 3.

You're choosing YOUR photographer, not "A photographer."



Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Planning a Styled Shoot- Part I {Key Players} | Hampton Roads Stylized Portrait Photographer

As I hope EVERYONE knows I am in the middle of planning my first SOLO STYLED SHOOT (it was one of my big 2014 SEP goals). I am BEYOND excited for this and also really nervous. The theme is set; the location is picked, vendors have been contacted; a model is on board- this is really happening (no pressure!)!!

About a fourth of the way through my initial planning steps I came across this awesome blog about planning a styled shoot written by the oh-so-talented and über sweet, Chelsea LaVere of Bit of Ivory Photography. Only problem was that I was already about A FOURTH of the way through my initial planning! haha

Since I clearly like to learn on the fly (aka the hard way) I decided I'd blog on the fly, too; so now I'm about to let you in on all the secrets I've learned thus far in planning my very first solo styled shoot :)

So, you have your brilliant theme in mind and are just dying to get the ball rolling and contact all those incredible vendors you've been eying for forever; right?


No matter what you want to do next you absolutely must pick a date for your shoot, first. Trust me on this one. Get all your key players together first and pick the date for your shoot together. 

I'm about to promise something- and promises are HUGE to me so listen close- I PROMISE that every single person you want to work with (model, cake vendor, location, hair stylist, etc.) will not all be available on the same day. So pick who is most important to you- the MUST HAVES for your session- and pick a date that works with their schedules. These are your KEY PLAYERS.

Maybe it's your model. Have you been watching her work grow and evolve and you just love her personality and MUST work with her for the shoot? Pick your date with her.

Maybe it's your location. Has every single vision and dream you've had of your shoot been at this ONE location? Pick your date with them.

Or maybe it's your spouse who has graciously been "volun-told" to help set up and carry props to your location on the day of the shoot. Definitely pick your date with him/her.

Everything else you've dreamed up for your shoot will fall in to place around your date and it will be fantastic. Sure, some of the folks you hoped to work with may not be available- that's ok- you've already locked in your "KEY PLAYERS."

I've definitely had to learn this the hard way as I have planned this shoot. After I had finally realized certain folks were my "must haves" I came to the realization that I simply have to pick a date and stick to it; If anyone else I wanted to work with couldn't work with this confirmed date then I simply had to accept that we were not going to be able to work together on this particular shoot. That's ok. I'll plan more ;)

Another big reason having a confirmed date is important before moving forward with any other aspect? 

It makes you sound like you've got your ducks in order and a solid focus and way ahead when you go to talk to vendors, locations and other professionals about collaborating with you on your shoot. They have a business to run too and want to make sure they are working with someone who will represent them in the best light possible. Being able to go to a potential vendor with a solid plan and lay out your vision with an actual set date will go miles farther in building that relationship than "I'd like to work together on this idea I have but I don't have anything planned yet."

Fortunately, I had a very solid foundation going for my shoot before contacting  the vendors who I am working with for this shoot; otherwise, I'm not sure I would have had ANY response let alone the positive ones I've been receiving :) Being able to tell them a bit about my plans and goals for the shoot got them excited and interested in being a part of what I had planned- their excitement played off of my excitement and vice versa: now everyone is excited! haha

So there you are, Part I of my lessons learned the hard way while planning my first solo styled shoot: before you do anything else- pick your date!!

Who knows what lesson I'll have learned to share with you in Part II next week!


a preview from my inspiration board for the shoot ;)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Allyson + Mady + Owen | Hampton Roads Maternity Photographer


Lots of times with maternity sessions the goal is to focus on the mom and dad, the excitement about the upcoming addition to the family, and the love between them that created the incredible miracle they are about to bring in to the world; but due to some weather issues we ended up rescheduling Allyson's shoot and unfortunately her husband Chris wasn't able to join us :( So Owens big sister, Mady, stepped in to fill the spot!

I have to say, Mady didn't miss a beat! She was a FANTASTIC helper, was able to get mom to laugh, and when it was time to bring her in for some shots she was all for it and ready to shower little brother with tons of love!

(This was Mady's favorite pose!)

Isn't Allyson BEAUTIFUL?! I couldn't get over how pretty she was!

Needless to say with a big sister like Mady and an incredibly sweet and patient mom like Allyson, little Owen is going to be welcomed into one incredible and love-filled family.

All  my best to you and your family as you welcome Owen in to this world, Allyson! An early BIG congratulations!!


A HUGE thank you and shout out to the fabulous Hair and Makeup duo who helped with this shoot!
Hair: Markia Nicole - MUA / Hair Stylist

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Just Be Nice

Last night a good friend and mentor of mine; one I admire, look up to, and go to CONSTANTLY for advice and a swift kick in the reality pants, posted about being the target of a virtual attack on her work and her character.

I can guarantee that this isn't the last time this will happen to her.

If you're part of the photography business world or know someone in this community you're fully aware of the viciousness with which other photographers will "comment" on others work, take their images and post it to pages for others to attack, or send private messages to fellow photographers remarking how awful their work is or how they should give up.

And then, undoubtedly, you've seen the blog posts pop up from well-known, established, respected photographers about how this needs to STOP.

I agree. 200 million percent I agree.

But this post isn't about that.

I've been the target of cyber-bullying. Come to think of it I've been the target of cyber-bullying at least twice since moving to Virginia (likely more but I haven't been made aware of it, yet). I've had grown women publicly slander me on social media in groups I wasn't a part of. I've had my images taken to other pages to be bashed. And, unfortunately, I'm sad to say, it's likely I've been the perpetrator of cyber-bullying, too- without even realizing it.

This isn't a "kids" problem. This isn't a "High School girls are so mean to each other" issue. This is a gender free, ageless, EPIDEMIC.

Somewhere between the birth of Xanga (yea... I went that far back) and the creation of Instagram we decided it was ok to take every mean, nasty thought we have and tell someone. As a counselor, I'm all for expressing oneself and processing through things for the good of that individual; but what we're doing on social media is NOT for us as a person but is rather to HURT SOMEONE ELSE.
WHY has social media given everyone the false impression that they have the "right" to say whatever they want to someone? WHY do we feel that because we're speaking to a profile picture that emotions and real human beings are no longer existing behind it? What is wrong with us?!

And perhaps even worse is the fact that the very millisecond that someone says something hateful 32 others jump on the bandwagon! It's like watching lions eat a Gazelle that already has a broken leg. They're already hurt, and are likely going to lose the battle no matter what they try. But yet, we continue to attack and tear them a part.


You don't need to hear me go on about how the person we're tearing down is a human being- someone's mother, someone's sister, someone's friend, wife, neighbor. No, what I think needs to be heard is that it's time we look at OURSELVES.

What are WE doing? How can we find our actions to be acceptable? Ripping someone apart verbally and emotionally is ok? If that's ok with you then by all means, please, continue (sarcasm). But if you feel ANY kind of physical reaction while WRITING these things to someone else- even if that someone isn't visible to your words (like taking someone's photo and putting it in a secret group to bash on it)- then you probably do, on some level, realize how hurtful your words are.

So why do we still press the "enter" button to send those words into the world?
I do recognize that we are putting ourselves out there by even having an account with a social media site and, in a way, giving people the right to have an OPINION on what we put on those sites- but I do NOT and WILL not agree that just because we exist on a site that it gives other users the right to be complete jerkoffs. Being mean is not sharing an opinion. Being mean is not helpful. Being mean is no good for ANYONE.

Just be nice to people. It's really not that hard to do if you think about it.
And if anyone is or becomes the target of cyber-bullying. MESSAGE ME. I mean it! We can chat, talk on the phone, skype about it. I'd LOVE to talk it out with you and be your shoulder to let it all out! No one deserves it. No one should go through it. But if you have to, don't go through it alone.
With Love,

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My First Time | Hampton Roads Personal Blog


It's 8 days in to the new year and with all the holiday's and family time and irregularity of my schedule I realized it's been way too long since I wrote a personal blog post to you all! (almost three weeks too long, in fact! In case it's been too long to remember my latest personal post can be found here.) So I started thinking about what I could write about and what was going on with me that anyone would want to hear about. It hit me that maybe what you wanted to hear about was a little less on my mind than what I NEED to get out into the universe. So here goes...
You see, over the holiday's (right before we left for Christmas, actually)we learned that my husband's car is... how do I put this gently... on its way out. :(
The day before we were set to leave to see family for Christmas my husband took his 16 YEAR OLD Honda to get an oil change. That's how these things always start you see.... it's something normal, and every day, and nothing unusual and then BAM they tell you that you need $1200 worth of repairs or you have to give up your first born or something dramatic like that. The catch here was that back in July/August my husband's car needed $1,000 in repairs and at that time I made the FATAL MISTAKE of saying "Ok, we'll fix it this time but if it needs another large repair like this I think it's time to just buy a new car."
So here we are, 4 months later, and I'm eating my words.
The realization that we will be buying a new car triggered some MAJOR ANXIETY in me- anxiety I haven't felt since ooooh maybe my wedding day? Haha Yes, it was that momentous of a feeling for me. We haven't had a car payment in a number of years- since college, I think- and to be honest with you I have NEVER purchased a car in my life. My first, and only, and CURRENT car was my grandfathers and was handed down to me when he passed. So to think about 1. Financing a car and even worse 2. PICKING a car felt like just too much for me.

Picking my husband was easy. There was no choice in my eyes- he simply is and was the man for me. No question (some anxiety, sure, but weddings and marriage hold a lot of pressure and that's a lot to put on yourself...but I digress). But buying a car? PICKING a car?! There's a bagillion and two options out there and once you narrow down which KIND you want (SUV vs. sedan vs. GIANT TRUCK) you then have to choose which size you want. Four doors? Two doors? Butt warmers (totally want those, by the way!)? Navigation? Chrome wheels? V6? V8? (Who even knows what those mean???) Mid-size SUV? Giant, take-the-whole-soccer-team-to-tryouts SUV?
The. Options. Are. ENDLESS.
And, at least for me, that's completely nerve-wracking. I don't know enough about the car world or car parts to truly understand everything I'm looking at and that makes me nervous. Nervous because when talking to a sales person I don't know enough- I'm not knowledgeable enough- to refute or agree with what they're telling me. So I'm not a fan of this whole process.
My husband loves it. John is all for researching and all for going for test drives and all for ME being a part of the process. We've already been to two dealers and we're nowhere near finished. Don't get me wrong: I absolutely appreciate that John wants me to be a part of it and wants me to be involved in this big decision but let's face it: I am not a fan of this! Haha
So, if anyone has any SUV's they LOVE (yes, we've at least determined we're headed in the SUV direction) and absolutely would encourage their mother to buy, let me know! And even more important: if you see me out at one of the 1,000 dealerships in the Hampton Roads area, STOP BY AND SAVE ME!
Wish me luck!

p.s. I'm sorry, for some reason the internet doesn't want to let me post a picture with this blog today :( So lots of pictures next time!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Nichole + Mike {Hilton Vilage} | Hampton Roads Couples Photographer

Early in 2013 I had the pleasure of working with Nichole and Mike and their three boys for a family session before Mike left on a deployment. When I held my business birthday celebration while he was gone, Nichole messaged me to snag one of the birthday gifts; but this time around she wanted get some personal session time for just her and Mike. The thing she didn't know was that Mike had ALREADY contacted me long before the birthday celebration to set something up for when he returned! Does he win the best-deployed-husband-of-the-year award or what?!
So, the cat had to come out of the bag, or the beans had to be spilled or whatever the expression that fits the best here is... basically, the point is we had to tell Nichole! haha

Needless to say she was excited! :)

I can't tell you how much I ADORE these two. I even said to them during their shoot that when they are together I forget they're parents to three boys. To which they both laughed and said "we forget too!" haha HOW CUTE ARE THEY?!
***You'll notice in some of the shots that they're holding Starbucks cups--Since the day was pretty frigid they brought along some hot cocoa to keep warm (and they brought me one too! Doubly sweet bonus points for them!). They made for pretty cute props, too, if you ask me :)

As always, Nichole and Mike, it was wonderful getting to work with you! I couldn't have asked for a better session to start off the 2014 year!

Looking forward to working with you one day at your new duty station (England, baby!!)! Safe safe travels and lots of warm wishes on your new adventure :)
