Thursday, December 5, 2013

Married & Phobic | 9 Goals for a Hampton Roads Portrait Photographer

I'm married and I couldn't be happier- but the truth? I'm a commitment phobe!
It's true. When it comes to really setting things down in stone and deciding "hey this is what I'm going to do" and truly OWNING that decision: I am a total scare-d-cat! I hem. I haw. I ramble. I avoid at ALL COSTS and then finally...I JUMP!

So here I go. I am officially going to outline my goals for Sarah Elle Photography for 2014. (I avoided this last year and again avoided it this year until I was faced by a fellow tog friend who said JUST DO IT- thanks Tianna. Plus I have a good friend I meet with via skype every 2-3 weeks who forces me to set goals for the business and be held accountable for them- I officially dubbed her my accountabilibuddy :) So I kind of sort of owe it to our time together to actually make 2014 goals. I go rambling and avoiding again...)

1. Get 3 Senior Agents for the Class of 2015
- I have found over this past year of business that I am absolutely over the moon in love with working with High School Juniors/Seniors. L-O-V-E it! So I really want to focus that love and energy and get 3 Agents this coming year (I had one this past year). 

2. Book 6 "I Love You" Sessions
- These are the "just because I love you" sessions that are such an incredible treat that very few people give themselves. They go hand in hand with my "Life: As it is" sessions where couples book a session just because they want updated pictures or it's their 6th anniversary-- no huge milestone, simply love that needs to be captured :)

3. Styled Senior
- I have this huge vision for a styled Senior shoot and believe it or not it's already in the works-- adding it the list means now I have to make sure it happens!
4. Streamline My Workflow
- Basically this means I want to keep things consistent. I plan to have a "start to finish" process I follow for each session and each client with whom I work. This *should* (aka WILL) help me be more efficient and in turn be able to spend more time with my family (Charlie Dog has been complaining to my husband as of late...)

- It's time to truly focus and begin confirming who SEP is and expressing that through my branding. I'm really looking forward to nailing this down in 2014 and implementing it throughout the Sarah Elle Photography experience.

which leads me to number 6:

6. Packaging
-My  next huge goal after I figure out my branding will be to express that through my packaging. I want nothing more than to be able to deliver your images and prints in the cutest most unique packaging anyone has ever seen-- figuring out what that is requires number 5 (above)--so this one is on serious hold for now. But since it's on the list it's official and I'm holding myself to it!

7. Get Published
- This is a very new one for me. It's easy for me to tell people "you won't win if you don't play" but when it comes to actually submitting my own stuff I'm all over the place. So there. It's on the list. Now I have to keep submitting sessions for publication-- no excuses!

8. Shoot 4 Installments of "Life: As it is"
I love this project of mine SO much. But I'm so sad because I feel like it has been pushed a little to the side after the first shoot this past Fall. Whether it's been because of other sessions and being "too booked" at the moment or weather pushing back a shoot and it end up having to be canceled or what have you-- it's been pushed aside for too long and I am going to make sure it continues.

9. One-on-One Mentoring
This past year I did a Q&A, a "Sounding Board Session," and a one-on-one mentoring session and I was floored at how rejuvenating and EYE-OPENING they each were! It is a serious investment in myself as a photographer and as a business owner that I feel shouldn't be overlooked- so I am going to book another one-on-one session in 2014!

So there are 9 HUGE goals for 2014 for SEP. Whenever I make concrete decisions like this I usually feel a little sick at first (and it really peaks when I hit that "OHMYGOSHWHATDIDIDO" moment) but then, almost immediately, joy and excitement and pride flood in to me with having truly owned who I am and what I want for me (and for finally making a decision)! And having actually written out my goals for 2014 and owned them? Well, now I'm  over the nerves and avoidance and ready to go!

Today is 12/5/2013. I'm officially ready to take Sarah Elle Photography and OWN 2014. 
Here goes nothing!

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