Sunday, September 15, 2013

AFRC Hearts Apart Shoot | Hampton Roads Portrait Photographer- Military style


Did you see on facebook that I got to participate as one of 5 photographers for the local Airman and Family Readiness Center (AFRC) Hearts Apart deployed families photo session day?! These sessions are for the local Air Force families whose loved one is or will very soon be deployed. It's meant to give them a chance to have a little fun during the deployment while getting some super awesome photos done to send off to mom or dad as a surprise while they're away. 

I can't tell you how much of an honor it was to get to work with these families. FIRST off it was an honor to be asked to participate! I was so humbled when Dawn contacted me to see if I was interested. Was I interested? Heck yes! Being a military spouse myself I love love LOVE working with other military families. Throw in the fact they're going through something only a military family understands (the "d word") then double heck yes count me in!!

Here are just a few previews for the families before their galleries go up live on the AFRC Hearts Apart website in a couple of weeks! 

This is Dawn. Oh! Did I mention she's pregnant and expecting a little baby girl- her first girl! I am just a BIG fan of Dawn's so I am beyond excited for her and her family. Isn't she beautiful?!

And one of the other photogs, my super bubbly and sweet friend, Tianna, of T.Y. Photography is pregnant too!! Couldn't help but snag a shot of their double bump ;)
I can't even decide which one makes a cuter pregnant lady!

If you're an Air Force family in Hampton Roads you should totally check out the AFRC! They have a ton of events and activities for the Air Force families- especially during deployments- and will help with anything in any way that they can. If they don't have the answer I know they know how to find it! Plus you'd get to hang out with Dawn and some other pretty wonderful people!

You can check out the AFRC facebook page here!



  1. Sarah, What a wonderful blog as always!! I LOVE the pictures and can't wait to see all of them!!! Thank you again for the time you gave to our military families!!!

