Sunday, September 8, 2013

Vacation Unplugged | Hampton Roads Portrait Photographer


I'm back! It feels SO good to be home in my own bed and to see Charlie Dog again; but I won't lie- being on vacation was FANTASTIC! We officially dubbed this trip our "HONEYCATION" because we never had the chance to take a honeymoon but 2 years after the fact seemed to be a bit of a stretch- so we decided to name it our "honeycation!"

I'll admit it: it was a little difficult for me to completely shut my mind down and relax for this trip- I realized that I am always thinking (aka WORRYING) about something that hasn't been completed or isn't perfect yet. My husband had to ask me (more than once) to not talk about work since somewhere along the line I had "AGREED" to no work talk- or something crazy like that. But once I got the hang of it I realized what a beauty shutting off your mind and enjoying the very moment you are in can be.

 The view from our room (did i mention we went to JAMAICA?!).

Some beach shots.
 Me and husband day 1. Notice the old Yorktown Beach tan lines? This picture was my official start in my quest to get rid of them! :)

Officially my most favorite place to be. :) It was like lying on a bed and made reading the two and a half books I completed pretty easy!
 Yes, that coconut came from THAT tree. HOW COOL, right?!

Ok, but lets be completely honest here: I HAD to do SOME activities or else I would have driven myself insane just lying out in the sun for 7 days watching the water lap back on forth on the shore. 

We started with SNORKELING!

If you know me you know heights are NOT my thing but due to it being our honeycation I figured I'd try my best to get over it: with zip lining!

  Notice my "fake excited" face.

The scream you hear at the beginning? That's me.

Truth? It was AWESOME! (Can't say I'll do it again but super glad I can say I did it!)

And then, of course, there were super wonderful foods, some crazy animals, and the most gorgeous sunsets I've ever seen. 

For the record: my husband ate the entire plate of sweets (above) all by himself ;)

In short, our honeycation and the decision to go "unplugged" was the best thing my husband and I could have done for ourselves. Having realized things went on just fine without us while we were gone I now have a new appreciation for my lack of control over life and the realization that sometimes it's ok not to have the answers just yet and to go on with life regardless.

If you ever have the chance to go completely unplugged-

I'll leave you with this song they sang to us before we left :)


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