Thursday, September 12, 2013

The BIG FOUR : A Session Prep Guide Cheat Sheet | Hampton Roads Portrait Photographer

If you've had a session with me or are about to have one you've probably taken a peek at the pre-session prep guide I sent out a few weeks prior to your session. It's got a ton of info, right?! I send this out to each of you because I want you to have the best session possible- and being the best version of yourself is the way to make that happen!

The prep guide isn't my rules of hard lined do's and don'ts for a session; but it is my way of *hopefully* helping to answer a lot of the big questions you might have prior to your day. And if I hit on some things you never even thought of before then that's pretty awesome, too!

But I realize that not every one of my followers lives in my area and for those that do I also understand that sometimes my style or our schedules are not always the best fit for everyone; so with that being said I wanted to highlight some of the BIG points to know in order to bring the best version of you to your session- regardless of who you work with!

And now, for the BIG FOUR session prep guide cheat sheet (cue the trumpets and drum roll):

1. Notice how I keep saying "the best version of yourself?" This isn't a typo but it IS my attempt at not very sneaky subliminal messaging. Being the best version of yourself is truly what portraiture photography, at least the kind I specialize in, is all about. My goal is to capture you as you are and bring out the best parts of you- not the best parts of someone you want to try out for the session. Your portrait session isn't the best time to try a new hairstyle/color, a new "look," or those awesome 7 inch heels you purchased that just so happen to also KILL your feet. Your session is about highlighting your gorgeous smile, your sparkling eyes, or the way your significant other looks at you when you're laughing that genuine, cute, laugh you have after he tells a joke. When you book your session do so with the intent of capturing the best version of YOU.
  2. Wardrobe
This is the biggest topic I get asked about before a session; and I'm glad! Being particular about what you wear for your session is a GOOD thing- it means you want to look your best, you want to feel great, and you care about the final product. When choosing your outfits be sure to choose something COMFORTABLE. If your dress is too tight or the shoes pinch your feet you will be uncomfortable; and if you're uncomfortable it will show in the pictures. Trust me ;) Pictures are supposed to be fun! So pick your outfit based on what you can move easily in and something that makes you feel incredible. How you feel goes both ways: if you feel beautiful then that confidence will shine through in your images.

Think she could have moved like that if she was uncomfortable in her dress? ;)
I do, however, recommend steering clear of anything dirty, torn, ripped or anything with large words or logos (this distracts in the image).
I could write a WHOLE long blog post about wardrobe but for the sake of keeping this one short I will save all that chatter for a later date. I will say, however, it never hurts to accessorize! It adds dimension to your outfit and can also provide you with something to work with/incorporate into a shot!
3. Nails, teeth, and tan lines.
This is the nitty gritty of session prep- those little things we all tend to forget about until the night before when we're rushing around trying to get everything in order. Suggestion? Take your time and plan these out a week or two ahead of your session date. This will make things less stressful AND ensure you bring to the shoot that "best version of yourself" someone keeps talking about ;)
 Nails: If you are someone who paints their nails, a fresh coat of polish will make a world of difference in your photo shoot. Pick a neutral color that won't distract from your shoot or clash with your outfits. If you don't usually paint your nails consider adding a clear coat of polish just to give that nice shine and even tone to your nails. Simply freshen them up the morning of the shoot, then be careful not to scuff it while prepping. :)
Teeth: If you want to brighten that gorgeous smile of yours it is best to start your treatments about two weeks before your shoot. Teeth whitening treatments are definitely not a HAVE TO for your session, though, so if you're not interested in it don't worry about it!
Tan Lines: Lets face it: we live on the coast with a bunch of beaches to choose from. Chances are you've been in the sun a few times before, right? That's ok! But if you plan to specifically tan for your session do so at least a week beforehand and try to avoid getting burned. The REALLY IMPORTANT part: be mindful of clothing tan lines, sunglasses tan lines, hat tan lines, etc. etc. etc. Photoshop does exist but trust me when I say it's a lot better/easier if you try to avoid any visible tan lines prior to the shoot.
4. Undergarments (this is for all you gals out there)
Be sure that whatever you choose to wear during the shoot it is something that will cleanly conceal your undergarments -especially consider whether or not your outfit will have any risk of a bra strap or two slipping down your shoulder. Also, if you're changing outfits during the shoot double check that the undergarments you wear work for your other outfit choices, too; if not, be sure to bring ones that do work!

 See how different Lindsey's outfits are? Planning ahead helped to keep the focus on Lindsey!
So there you have it, my BIG FOUR prep-guide suggestions to help bring out the best version of you for your session. Gosh darn there's that expression again! But no, really, I mean it- the goal is to have a fantastic time, create an awesome new memory, capture this beautiful moment in life, and do it all while bringing out the best version of YOU.   

 *For those who book or have recently booked a session be on the lookout for my entire prep-guide a few weeks prior to your session. Even more goodies are in there with info on breakouts, moisturizer, hair, glasses, bloating, make-up, and lots more!

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