Thursday, May 8, 2014

What I've Learned | Personal | Hampton Roads Portrait Photographer


The title probably seems like I'm going to tell you all about how I am now, thanks to owning this business, really knowledgeable in tax codes (HA! I wish...) or how I'm now this guru at business license requirements or how to perfect business management techniques or I've mastered contract writing. And trust me- I wish all of those things were true; but frankly I am fairly certain I simply have to accept that someone with far more knowledge and brains in those areas is always going to have to help me figure out those aspects of business owning.
No, what I've learned from my business is that this isn't a business. This is my world. This is my family. I always refer to every single person I work with and every single person who follows the facebook page as my "Sarah Elle Photography family"-- and it's completely true: I view each of those people as a family member. I could not continue to nurture and grow my business without the mental and emotional support and encouragement of each person who follows me and books with me.
But even more so I am reminded on random Tuesday mornings (like this past Tuesday) when I open up my SEP e-mail account and facebook page just how much of a family you all are to me.

Tucked away in the e-mail inquiries and wardrobe questions and location ideas are messages from other SEP family members sharing a funny video they found that made them think of me, or a cute meme that reminds them of something that happened during their session, or simply a funny story about their day that they know I would appreciate. I have one SEP family member who moved right after their session (talk about a last minute, rescheduling is not an option kind of a day) and STILL e-mails me to tell me about the latest find in GMO research and eating organic foods (she knows I'm interested in learning more about that).
That's what makes this business not a business. That's what makes me stop and go: "Wow. I am SO lucky!" 

Sure, there are tons of those tax questions and business management "things" I'll never fully understand that *technically* makes Sarah Elle Photography a business (and trust me, come tax time i'm always banging my head against my desk wondering why it has to be this way). But having those personal relationships, having those family members, makes everything else completely worth it.
From the deepest part of my heart: thank you.
With love,

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