Thursday, May 1, 2014

Senior Agent 007 | Hampton Roads Senior Portrait Photographer


If you follow my facebook page you have seen me go on and on for forever about my Senior Agent program and my super fabulous #SEPagents! It's no secret I love this program and I am over the moon excited when I have a Senior portrait session on the books. But I realized that no matter how many times I use the hashtag: #SEPagent, everyone who follows the page may not know what exactly a Sarah Elle Photography Senior Agent actually is (or more importantly what they DO).

When I was in High School I didn't have my Senior pictures taken (except of course the formal one that went into the year book). To be honest with you I was completely ok with that. Senior pictures were taken and handed out to friends in wallet form (for the record there are TONS of new and BETTER products to pass out these days-- I'll be doing a product spotlight soon so stay tuned) and a few images were *sometimes* displayed at graduation parties-- but all in all it wasn't a huge deal in my area.

Working with my Seniors and Senior Agents today I'll tell you: my area was missing out on a LOT.

Senior portraits today are a BIG deal and are an incredible way to not only highlight what each Senior is about but also really pull out their creativity and create something...well...magical. There's hair, makeup, props, outfit changes, sometimes there's even a theme (these ones are the MOST fun!). Senior portraits often times even include specific locations- sometimes they are so elaborate that they take an entire afternoon/evening to shoot! I would even go so far as to say that Senior Portrait sessions today, at least for my gals, are pretty much like personalized modeling sessions.

See why I say my hometown missed out on a lot?!

Because of the high volume of interest today in Senior Portraits and the amount of work that goes in to each session I have found that it is REALLY helpful to have specific girls, hand-picked by yours truly, representing Sarah Elle Photography in their school. By having a Senior Agent model team that I know I can trust and who I feel are a good representation of what Sarah Elle Photography is all about, I can feel confident that they will encourage other Juniors/Seniors who would also be a perfect fit for my approach to Senior Portraits.
Each #SEPagent's job is to encourage their friends to book their Senior Portraits with Sarah Elle Photography. By hand-picking my Agents I know the folks they will encourage to book Senior Portraits with me will be the type of people who LOVE what I offer and LOVE the full glamour treatment.

My style of shooting Senior Portraits is to give my gals (and guys) the complete rockstar treatment [except fulfilling requests like having a bowl filled with JUST green M&Ms...I'm not that nice ;) ]. Remember how I said a lot of Senior Portrait sessions today are personalized model shoots? That's what I give to my Seniors. And that means whomever represents me likes that approach and will have no trouble talking about their experience with their friends (who, in theory, like that, too).
So, in short, the purpose behind my Senior Agent program is to find the perfect fit for Sarah Elle Photography and what my Senior Portrait experience represents and in turn, hopefully, connect with others who love that, too! Working with Seniors is about giving them the best experience-- one they never forget-- so finding a photographer who gives you what you're dreaming of is the goal-- and it's my goal to be that photographer.
So, if you're a current Junior or Senior in High School who wants that type of Senior Portrait experience be sure to get a hold of one of my #SEPagents to learn more about the Sarah Elle Photography Senior experience! And while you're at it give them a big high five for being so totally awesome as one of my Agents-- because seriously they are a fantastic bunch!


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