Sunday, December 15, 2013

Danielle- Life: As it is Part II | Hampton Roads Portrait Photographer

I can't tell you how excited I am to tell you about Danielle; my second nominee for the Life: As it is project!

When she nominated herself for the project I immediately felt her situation was perfect for Life: As it is! I'll let Danielle explain why:
"I was thrilled and humbled when Sarah chose me to be featured in her project! You see, my "life as it is" - is absolutely amazing, yet bittersweet. I am married to a wonderful man who serves in the Army, and am a stay-at-home mother to a gorgeous little girl, and a soon to be baby boy! I wrote in to Sarah asking for the opportunity to have maternity photos taken for my husband who is deployed overseas. Unfortunately, he is not able to make it home for the upcoming birth of our son. We were not able to take any maternity photos together before my husband left, so this was the perfect opportunity for him to feel a little closer to home. This will be my husbands second deployment in a few short years, and I can't even imagine how difficult it is for him to be away during this time..... I am so proud my husband for the sacrifices he has made for our family. Although my life at times may be difficult playing the role of mommy and daddy, I couldn't be more blessed"
Danielle fits the Life: As it is project perfectly: despite not having every piece of her puzzle in one place during her pregnancy she took it upon herself to document this time in her life regardless.

Without further ado, here is beautiful mom-to-be, Danielle!

I had asked Danielle a bit about her pregnancy and she told me that her biggest craving the entire time has been for Starbucks frappuccinos! So I told her to bring one along!
(Unfortunately the Starbucks happened to be closed at the time we shot so she grabbed a McDonald's milkshake- also an awesome choice if I do say so myself!)
Tattooed on her left wrist is "Love is...  1Corinthians 13:4
Pretty fitting, wouldn't you say?

Another incredible thing about Danielle is that when she learned her husband was going to be deployed she made the difficult decision to leave their post in Colorado and move the entire family to Virginia to be near their parents. That's right, she technically lives in Colorado! Can you imagine leaving what you know and bringing your entire family across the country during a pregnancy? Danielle is one tough and incredible woman!

And since she and her husband are from Virginia that means they are, OF COURSE, Virginia Tech fans! So little does baby Bryce know but he's already destined to be a Hokie ;)
A HUGE early congratulations to Danielle and her family as they soon welcome Bryce into their bunch! It was honestly an incredible joy to get to work with you and I thank you so very much for being willing to be featured! And I hope I get the chance to meet Bryce one day before you move back to Colorado!


Part III can be found here. :)


  1. She is a beautiful momma, and I admire her for her strength and determination! And Sarah, this is beautiful! Great job!

    1. Thank you so much, Ashley!! And I am right there with you: I admire her incredible strength and strong will, too!!

  2. I love this! She is so beautiful and a very strong mama!

    1. Thanks, Marie, I'm glad you like it! Danielle is a very inspirational mama for sure!
