Thursday, October 10, 2013

That Time I Was a Bit Irrational... | Hampton Roads Client


This past Saturday was one of the days I look forward to every single year: it was the day of my and John's anniversary photo shoot! We are about to celebrate our anniversary (this week!) and, simply because it makes me happy, John dresses up EVERY YEAR and puts on a smile for pictures (remember how much I've harped about documenting life as it is- this is one of those times!).

For whatever ridiculous reason I decided I simply HAD to wear a yellow cardigan for our pictures.

It gets worse.

I then randomly saw an emerald green shirt somewhere in the weeks leading up to our session and decided I HAD to wear an emerald green BLOUSE (not just a shirt, but a blouse).... and a yellow cardigan.

It gets even worse.

It couldn't just be a plain emerald green blouse. It had to have frills, or stripes, or bows, or a sash. It couldn't simply be a plain emerald green blouse (anyone think I'm crazy, yet?).

Oh hey, guess what? I DON'T OWN either of these things.

 John is a seriously patient man (oh my goodness did I luck out when I met that man) so he offered to go with me to help me find my crazy specific outfit. All men everywhere are going "noooo, man, get out now! danger! danger!" but John survived. I think. I mean, he's still here, so....

But of course, because my "needs" were so specific I did not find anything when we went shopping. So a few days later I went back by myself- and spent TWO hours in the same store scouring EVERYTHING. I came home with 7 options (none of which were emerald green in color) and by the morning had decided none of them were what I wanted. (Ok now I'M feeling like a crazy person putting this all out in words)

We are now 2 days from the session.

Clients, I am FEELING for you right now. I totally know what it's like to throw everything out of your closet on to your bed trying to decide exactly what you want to wear- even worse if you're bringing more than one outfit for an outfit change!

John at this point is still very patient (see how we have reached yet ANOTHER wedding anniversary? It's totally because I'm 90% crazy and he's only about 2%) and offers to take me to a different mall before we meet friends for dinner. At this point I've let go of my green and yellow combo requirements and simply was desperate to find something I would be excited to wear to the shoot.

When I woke up the next morning to get ready for our session I realized that letting go of my requirements enabled me to find exactly what I had been dreaming about- the perfect outfit.
 Yes, it is yellow and green. But it's not emerald green. And it isn't a blouse; in fact, it's 100% cotton t-shirt! And it doesn't have stripes, it has polka dots. But every single other thing I had purchased (and have to remember to return to the store) was not yellow or green or any other silly thing I thought I needed. What I found was that all I "needed" was to let go of "needs" and find something that I felt incredible wearing. And you know what? I did :)

Thank you to my friend, Ashley, of Luke&Ashley for our fantastic and oh so "us" anniversary photos.


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