Thursday, October 24, 2013

Senior Portraits: What's the "point?" | Hampton Roads Senior Portrait Photographer

The other day online someone asked: "So, what's the point of Senior Portraits?" As a Senior Portrait photographer I of course immediately got DEFENSIVE.

 "Well of course you want Senior photos! They're an important right of passage, they're fun to show off to friends, your kid will be the center of attention, and most of all they're fun fun FUN!"

But then I realized (thankfully before responding with that silly response) that those are all why I love shooting Senior portraits. I love it because the senior is so energetic, so full of life, so full of excitement for the future, and so hopeful about everything- all things we, as adults, often forget to appreciate about life. So working with Seniors and being able to capture that in camera is refreshing and so enjoyable for me.

And to be 100% with you, I never had my own Senior pictures taken. My parents' attitude was that I was "expected" to graduate High School so why celebrate? Why "make a big deal" about it? (For the record I never had a graduation party either so if anyone is feeling bad for me at this point you are welcome to throw me a party- I like parties.)

So then the question remains: "What's the point of Senior Portraits?"

 I can only give you my opinion on the matter and my view from behind the camera; but here goes:
High School graduation, whether it is "expected" of someone or not, is a big deal. It is a huge line in the sand between childhood and adulthood. It is the time in a child's life where they truly have begun to define who they are, where the fit in the world, and where they want to go. And yes, I do witness all of this when working with my Seniors. 

When I sit down with my Seniors for their in-person consultation I learn all about their goals and their hopes and their dreams. The clothes they pick out and the props they choose to bring to the session all represent exactly who they are and who they hope to be one day soon. Senior portraits not only capture an individual in that moment (holding their band instrument) but where they are headed in their future (wearing the t-shirt of the college they will be attending). And without these pictures highlighting these traits and hopes and dreams there is nothing to document this time. 

 Sure, there are yearbooks and class rings, but those sit on shelves or in jewelry boxes. Senior pictures, without a doubt, end up on walls, and refrigerators, and in frames on your desk at the office. Senior pictures are THE BEST WAY to encapsulate the line in the sand between adulthood and childhood. 

So what is the "point?" The point is the giant smile you see on your child's face when they come home to tell you about their session (sometimes parents don't come on the shoot to give kids complete comfort on set- and also to keep things a surprise). The point is the excitement your whole family feels when they wait for the images to load on your computer. It's the joy and pride felt when your Aunt calls to tell how you how beautiful and mature your daughter looks in the pictures you sent her. And most of all, the point is to capture this moment; this turning-point in the life of your child.


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