Thursday, October 3, 2013

Preferences | Hampton Roads Woman


This post is not going to be my usual post. 

Something was brought to my attention this morning by a fellow 'tog and it's something I found that I couldn't just acknowledge, respond to, and then simply return to my daily grind. This something was a discussion of the hurtful and incredible things that can and, unfortunately, ARE said to us women. 

More specifically about the female body and the "right" way to look.

I'm a woman. I'm damned proud of it. I have my insecurities; as I truly believe EVERY. SINGLE. HUMAN. BEING. DOES. I worry about my skills as a photographer. I worry about if people like me. I worry whether or not when I wear yoga pants people look at me and think "she should NOT be wearing those." I'm not afraid to admit that I DO WORRY about my body. 

I do, to some extent, think it's natural to want what we do not have; and for many that is a certain feature about their physical appearance.

But I've had ENOUGH.

It is NOT OK to point out to someone something that YOU deem to be a "flaw." Who are we to determine what is beautiful in someone else? Sure, we all have "things" or "features" we are attracted to in others and that's fabulous; to know what you admire or appreciate in the human body is great! But to have the audacity to FORCE those preferences on to someone else- especially that someone who does not possess our preferred features is NOT our place. And that's exactly what is happening every time we judge someone: we're forcing our preference on to them.

On that same note why don't we all stop being that very person who forces the preferences on ourselves. Why do we  I continuously compare ourselves myself to those we I believe "have it all?" Why do we I BULLY OURSELVES MYSELF in to thinking we're I'm not beautiful, or "good enough?"

Why can't we I focus on the things we I find beautiful?

I've decided, after this morning, that I need to remind myself that others cannot determine my beauty or self-worth. Who cares if people think I "shouldn't be wearing those pants?" You know what? I think I should be wearing those pants! And gosh darn it I'm gonna!

My beauty, my body, is my own to make of it. Only I get to choose which parts are rockin' and which I want to change. And hell, if I decide it's all rockin' than I guess I'm just that awesome!

Please, my beautiful and wonderful sisters out there, don't let anyone else decide how you should be or look. Don't even LET PEOPLE influence your preferences about yourself. It's a preference only we can determine; and our own preference is the only one that matters.

With love,

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