Saturday, November 16, 2013

Models, Mentors, Bridges, and Idle Cars | Hampton Roads Mentee


On Friday I fought the JRB and had my first mentor session with Sharon Elizabeth Photography. No joke, I had my mind: BLOWN! I barely slept that night after I got home because so many new concepts, poses, editing techniques, workflow approaches, and overall shooting techniques were zooming through my mind. I even woke up on Saturday at 6:30 just because I couldn't fight it anymore and HAD to get some practice!

I'll admit, I'm still a little overwhelmed with it all and am still getting little triggers that remind me of something Sharon told me and immediately my brain goes, "oh yeah!" But I've been practicing and starting to slowly bring these new things in to Sarah Elle Photography. It's been SO interesting to see how Sharon's suggestions have a place in SEP and how I can use them and incorporate them in to my own way of shooting, editing, and running Sarah Elle Photography. Bless my husband's heart because he has certainly been getting a non-stop earful! hehe Oops!

Ok, so enough about that, let's talk about how incredible the model for the day, Meredith, was! Oh my goodness!  Immediately I felt like we *clicked* and after I found out she drove 3 hours (one way!) just to help us out I about died! She's my car-soul-mate! She's not afraid of the bridges or long drives (for the record I had to practice driving the JRB on TWO separate occasions to get ready for my personal trek's no joke).

The biggest kicker? Meredith is also a photographer (check her out at Meredith Sledge Photography)! Talk about intimidating! Now I had not only Sharon watching me work but I was trying to pose and direct another photographer! But Meredith and Sharon are both so approachable and fun that *eventually* I was able to be a little less self conscious ;)

Thank you, Meredith, you gorgeous girl, you!

I can't even imagine what the second part of my mentor session will bring after Sharon has her little baby girl, Ava!
I canNOT wait!


p.s. Did you notice the title of the blog says, "idle cars?" Nothing like mid-session helping a stranger get their car out of the road with 5'2" me pushing and 9 month pregnant Sharon steering. Oh yea, and the car didn't have power steering... that sure is one part of the session I will NEVER forget! ;)

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