Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sometimes We Just Need a Little Reminding | Hampton Roads Refresher

Yesterday I woke up to a message from a Sarah Elle Photography family member. In it was a link to a blog and a short note about how it reminded her of my "Life: As it is" project. So, of course, I'm intrigued! It wasn't until I got to the picture at the end of the blog did I realize I've read it before!
I was SHOCKED! I had read this blog before but none of the words triggered any kind of memory for me. Now I was sad. Clearly this means that despite my own words and efforts and projects I, too, needed a refresher on the point of living Life: As it is.
The blog post talks a lot about weight being a big factor in avoiding photos; and I agree, that's a lot of the reason I hear that people don't want to be involved in the shoot. Okay. I get it. I've heard it. I've lived it, myself. I, without fail, get those ridiculous unflinching butterflies EVERY.SINGLE. TIME. my picture is taken because I'm worried that I'm not going to see it before it gets posted in order to run interference because I *gasp* MIGHT LOOK FAT.  But I think the author hits it on the head when she responds with "if the magical day does come when you're acceptably thin you'll still REGRET not having any pictures of you with your kids from ages 5-10." This. This right there. This speaks to me.

I've said it before and I'll say it forever and ever and ever: Don't wait. This is your life. This is who you are and this is the person your family loves. Don't let yourself get in the way of yourself and of capturing and cementing this time in your life. Maybe you're not a fan of YOU right now but I promise you the people you're having pictures taken with most certainly ARE. Do it for them- you'll thank yourself later.
Oh, and maybe, just maaaaaybe try to give yourself a little credit when looking at your images. Don't be so hard on yourself. Life is hard enough. (And, as I've said before, it's all just preferences).

So here's the blog that was shared with me and the author, Teresa, was so gracious enough to give me permission to share it with you all ( I asked her!). So go on, read it. It might just be good for you ;)


With love,

p.s. I'd love to know your reactions; so if you don't mind please share them with me, below!

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