Friday, November 8, 2013

Sarah and the "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week." | Hampton Roads Human Being

This morning I woke up realizing "it's STILL not the weekend." That was tough. Not tough in the typical "I don't feel like getting out of bed today because my blankets are so nice and comfy and my husband feels so warm and cozy" kind of tough. The kind of "tough" where you realize you've been dragging yourself everywhere in a daze just to complete the things you've committed to.
I've had THREE days this week where I simply decided to shut my computer down and be--each day thinking I only need to do this for one night and I'll be refreshed and ready to attack my work tomorrow.
It didn't happen that way.
I've been saying I want to be transparent with all of you and that is one of my "November goals:" write about "real" things in my blog. So when I woke up and saw Amanda Hedepeth's blog about feeling like she "lost" yesterday I realized now was the perfect way to be real with you all.
I'm tired.
I've been running running running running running so much to manage the business, the styled shoot we're doing tomorrow, working on new packaging, editing sessions, working my 7-4 job with the Army (did you know I do that, too? Not everyone does I don't think...Welp now you do :p), going to dinners planned WEEKS ago with friends (yes, I have to plan WEEKS in advance just to make sure I have time in the schedule), taking care of Charlie Dog, finding time to call parents and siblings and grandparents to catch up on life, attending different functions and meetings I've committed to long ago, and simply trying to grab any kind of quality time with my husband that I can.
I'm tired.
Physically. Mentally. Emotionally (definitely this one- I cried more times this week than I have in months).
I think what this week has begun to show me is that I need to slow down. I don't need to answer every question or say "yes" to every dinner. Life will go on. MY life will go on. My friends lives will go on. THE.WORLD.WILL.NOT.EXPLODE. if I am not on facebook or out to dinner with a friend.
But like Alexander in "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" I, too, have come to realize that in the end I am happy. I have a loving loving husband and family, a perfect little pup, some great friends, a fantastic support team of Sarah Elle Photography family, and goals and dreams that I'm pushing to accomplish. Life sometimes doesn't go my way and sometimes I'm the reason for that (like this week). But in this stressful and exhausting week is the golden nugget of knowledge that it's time to regroup, focus more on myself and my family, and that the world will go on- and that's ok.



  1. You are you amazing. Don't you every forget that. You don't have to be everything to everyone all the time. Sometimes we just need some time to recharge :)

  2. Awww thank you lovelies! It is definitely hard to remember to take time for myself- especially when I love what I do with SEP! But clearly I need to demand it of myself ;)

    Thanks for your support!!

  3. Such a great post Sarah! It's a great reminder to slooooowwwww down once in a while :)
